Average training hours


Injury rate per thousand employees


Volunteer hours


Community investment amount

$ 0

Occupational Health and Safety

Maintaining cleanliness on construction sites is crucial for achieving a zero-accident environment. To enhance the awareness of site cleanliness among our site management personnel and frontline workers, CSHK organised the second “Site Cleanliness Competition” in 2023. The competition was divided into two categories: “Housing and Medical Engineering Group” and “Civil and Foundation Engineering Group”. The aim was to enhance the overall safety level on construction sites and reduce accidents resulting from poor site cleanliness. The participation of employees in the competition demonstrated a significant shift in attitude, from resistance and hesitation to actively seeking details about the competition. This positive response reflects the effectiveness of the competition, as evidenced by the tangible reduction in actual accident figures on construction sites.

Diversity and Inclusion

We firmly believe that a diverse and inclusive work environment can support employees in fully utilising their strengths both professionally and personally, thereby driving the long-term development of the company.

In addition, we have established the “Volunteer Camp” and “China State Youth Club”, where talents from both Mainland China and Hong Kong can autonomously operate under the guidance and support of the company. These platforms continuously organise activities centred around goals such as “Learning and Practice”, “Social Responsibility,” and “Employee Care.” They also collaborate and hold exchange activities between platforms, allowing employees to experience comprehensive growth.

Employee Development and Care

We have been adhering to the core concept of people-oriented human resource management system, developed comprehensive employee related policies and guidelines to ensure compliance with legal requirements while demonstrate our commitment to employees. We are dedicated to providing a diverse, inclusive, and positive work environment, competitive compensation and benefits, as well as abundant training opportunities. These initiatives aim to enhance employees’ sense of belonging and inspire their potential.

CSHK attaches great importance to upgrading the professional skills and overall competence of our staff, to better support their career development and the long-term business development of the Company. We are committed to providing diversified learning and development support to our staff through the “4+1” training system, talent development programmes, personal enhancement grants and holidays.

Strategies for nurturing construction industry talents

"4+1" training system
Talent Development Programmes
Personal enhancement Grants and Holidays

Talent Development in the Greater Bay Area: CSHK Mainland Support Centre was inaugurated

The establishment of the CSHK Mainland Support Centre is an important measure for CSHK to strengthen the cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong and promote the integrated development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Leveraging the abundant talent resources in the mainland, the centre will fully utilize the advantages of the supply chain to effectively advance its construction and make greater contributions to the innovative development of the group.

Community Care

Since the establishment of the Volunteer Branch in June 2019, CSHK has been adhering to the mission of ” prosper Hong Kong, service society ” and undertaking the corporate mission of ” managing happiness for society “. We are committed to leveraging our professional expertise to actively understand and respond to social needs, with a special focus on the elderly, youth, and other individuals with special needs. The Volunteer Branch follows the “4+X” social service themes of ” Care for the Elderly, Contribute Your Skills, Care for Teenagers, Care for Your Home + Innovative Space” as our guiding principles, continuously organizing various volunteer activities to contribute to society.

Drainage Clearing under Typhoon Saola

CSHK places a strong emphasis on corporate social responsibility and actively promotes volunteer services, engaging with the community and serving society. When Super Typhoon Sura struck Hong Kong from September 1-2, 2023, we established a Windstorm Strategic Command. Our top management took the role of overall commanders, while nearly 80 construction sites across Hong Kong were divided into different regions, with local site managers acting as regional commanders. Personnel and resources were mobilised according to pre-determined lists, providing immediate support to affected areas. The construction sites played a crucial role in deploying machinery and supplies. However, the real challenge came a week later with the occurrence of the unprecedented black rainstorm. Our “Caring Society” Volunteer Committee of, comprising of 2,200 volunteers, worked tirelessly around the clock to assist the community in recovering from the impact. The volunteers deeply experienced the profound significance of their valuable contributions.